2024 Fall Promotions Ceremony
Saturday, October 19, 2024 at 9:00 a.m.
Rivertown Community Church - Marianna
“The Future is Limitless”
Event Overview
Our Fall Promotions Ceremony is a snapshot of celebration. Whether you are a brand new student, or have been training for several seasons, this event is an opportunity to recognize each member’s progress in their own jiu jitsu journey. Only held twice per year, this ceremony is a time of fellowship, reflection, and motivation.
While each event is different, the focus is on highlighting skills development and personal growth. Even if you or your child are not eligible for a rank promotion at the event, it is still an important experience for every student as part of the Resilient Jiu Jitsu team.
8:00 AM | Doors Open, Light Breakfast Provided
9:00 AM | Academy Group Photo
9:15 AM | Special Guest
9:30 AM | Resilient Adaptive
9:45 AM | Resilient Pee Wees, Juniors, and Kids
10:45 AM | Resilient Teens, Adults and Women
Student Registration and Guest Tickets
Please see the front desk for tickets and registration.
Special Guest: Rebecca Denae
At just 18 years old, Rebecca was diagnosed with cancer. Now, she is a cancer survivor, amputee, adaptive athlete, and author. “Limitless” is her first book, and a memoir of her journey. In spite of every impossible prognosis she faced, she defies all odds with her tenacity and faith to believe in miracles.
Rebecca’s story is especially impactful for young people who may be experiencing challenges of their own. She demonstrates how resiliency can be built under the toughest pressure. Resilient Jiu Jitsu members will enjoy her stories of training at her first martial arts academy and how it changed her life.
New! Onsite Event Photography
Reserve your official Resilient Jiu Jitsu athlete headshot time.
Please be sure to arrive at the beginning of your group’s time slot. Edited photos will be available for purchase after the event.